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Over $5,000 dollars in rebates and credits!

It’s a “perfect storm” of circumstances making now the best time for many years to buy a new Bonney heating and air system.  But, like the weather quickly changes, this opportunity will not last long.  As a result of various programs designed to encourage economic stimulus, job creation and energy savings, over $5,000 dollars in rebates and credits are available to home owners for energy efficient heating and air replacements.  But, hurry, some programs are quickly running out of cash, some expire November 15 and others expire December 31, 2010.

At Bonney Plumbing, Heating and Air we offer many qualifying systems at various price levels.  These systems provide the rebates plus long term energy savings and comfort.  At Bonney we complete and file the rebate applications for you so that you can maximize your savings.  But, since we have to rely on third parties, we do not guarantee the rebates or tax credits.

A Federal Tax Credit for $1500 is available for homeowners making energy efficient upgrades to their home and many heating and air systems qualify.  Homeowners can use this credit one time in 2009 and 2010, but it expires December 31, 2010. 

California’s Cash For Appliances rebate is available for qualified heating and air upgrades in amounts from $200 – $1300 with most home owner’s obtaining over $1,000.  The Cash For Appliances rebate has limited funding and will not be available once it runs out.  As of November 1, 2010, the program had approximately $8 million remaining.

SMUD, Roseville Electric, and PG&E each have rebates available from $150 – $1,000 for qualified systems.  These rebate programs expire December 31, 2010, but could stop sooner if they run out of money, which has happened in previous years.  A PG&E gas customer can combine rebates with their electric provider for larger savings.

Heating and air conditioning equipment manufacturers have also offered rebates to encourage home owners to upgrade their systems.  For example, Rheem manufacturing is offering $300 – $1000 per system.  However, this rebate expires November 15, 2010.

Finally, at Bonney we have added our own instant rebate of $500, just to put the silver lining on the perfect storm.  Hey, we don’t want to be left out!  This puts the total amount available in tax credits and rebates to $5,300; money back in your pocket.  But our rebate expires November 15, 2010.

You may think that only a super expensive system will qualify for all of these rebates.  But the fact of the matter is that some of our least expensive systems still qualify for $3,950 in credits and rebates.  Bonney has a system that will fit your budget and we offer financing.  But hurry – the perfect storm will end soon!